Drimia maritima

Rimmer deVries rdevries@comcast.net
Sun, 05 Jun 2016 10:21:47 PDT
 Dirmia marítima grows on the Greek Island in gritty rocky soil with mild damp winters and hot dry summers with a rare rain shower.  checking \ temp on these islands where i have see it shows summer days ~75-85F and nights 60-70F

I suspect a bell jar over the plant will make a nice mush paste of the bulb

it you want it dry,  better to put a decent size pane of plate glass 1.5 to  2 feet over the plant so does not cook, construct some wire contraption so it does not fall off or blow away but lets air flow below it . 

or plant in sun on leeward of structure or rain barrier.  Here that is the southeast side of my house.

Zone 4-5-6

> On Jun 5, 2016, at 1:00 PM, James Waddick <jwaddick@kc.rr.com> wrote:
> Dear Friends, 
> 	I am not known for easy or sane projects, but I hope I can some help on HOW EXTREME I can go with Drimia maritime here in Kansas City Zone 5/6.
> 	Last fall I was given a huge bulb in leaf that I ketp in full leaf over the winter in my frost free greenhouse.  Once the temps warmed I brought it  out into full sun and it looked very happy - rich green firm foliage.
> 	Now the foliage is almost totally dried and brown.	I have read that it shoiuld get NO RAIN and HIT DRY Summers.
> 	I have put a transparent bell jar over the entire bulb and pot . There is a tiny vent  opening near the top of the bell jar. Almost no rain can get in, but I noticed there is some condensation inside on dewy morning. 
> 	The temps are going toward daily highs of 80 to 90 as summer approaches. I assume the temp in the bell jar can get quite HOT. I do not plan on any water until I see some sign of growth-later.
> 	I haven’t measured the heat in the bell jar, but I am sure it is already over 100 F.
> 	So 	How hot is TOO HOT ?		Appreciate any thoughts from those who actually grow and bloom this beast.		Best		jim W.
> Dr. James Waddick
> 8871 NW Brostrom Rd
> Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
> Phone     816-746-1949
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