To obtain a Phyto Certificate here in South Africa you need a US Import Permit for any bulb or plant -----Original Message----- From: Russell Stafford, Odyssey Plants <> To: Pacific Bulb Society <> Sent: Tue, Mar 8, 2016 5:23 am Subject: Re: [pbs] Bulb import permits Bob is correct. Bulbs that are free of soil do not require an import permit, as per USDA/APHIS Circular PPQ Q.37.3. This has been the case for as long as I've imported geophytes. Russell At 09:35 PM 3/7/2016, you wrote: >Where are you getting this info? Unless the rules have lessened, >which seems impossible only 12 plants or less can be imported >without import permit. I see no exclusion for European countries >regarding this rule. > >Yes packages with phytos in the box or in plastic may make it >through undetected but to be legal they are supposed to be routed to >an inspection station. If seeds from Europe require either a small >lots permit (with inspection ) or a general permit with phyto and >inspection I don't see how plants and bulbs would require less. > >Tim Chapman Russell Stafford Odyssey Bulbs PO Box 382 South Lancaster, MA 01561 508-335-8106