Bulbs in a bioswale

Charles Powne iyou@me.com
Mon, 28 Mar 2016 11:04:47 PDT
Greetings to you, Jane, and the larger PBS list. I joined recently, and look forward to learning more about growing bulbs. 

Regarding growing bulbs in a bioswale, I’ve done something similar, but with water-loving South African species like Wachendorfia thyrsiflora and Hesperantha coccinea. A few years back I disconnected my downspouts from the sewer system, and to handle the water, I made an underground bioswale. On one side of my front yard I dug up a shallow, gently sloping circle in the ground. I placed an old kiddy pool into the hole I’d dug, punched a couple holes in the lower end, and then backfilled it with sand and gravel. I connected a drainpipe to the downspout and ran it through a buried trench out to the kiddy pool. The water-loving plants that grow there really appreciate the location, and the city appreciates the fact that I’m keeping rainwater out of the sewers. Like Jane, I have to water a little in the summer because it’s so dry here in Portland. Robin, you asked about other plants that can go in bioswales, and I’d recommend looking closely at anything that thrives in riparian (riverside) areas, or seeps. Depending on the purity and regular availability of your water you might put in Sarracinea, or considering your location, Darlingtonia. 

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