Bulbs in a bioswale

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Mon, 28 Mar 2016 10:02:12 PDT

On 3/27/2016 8:28 PM, Kathleen Sayce wrote:
> I’m also tempted by Veratrum californicum, but suspect it too will prove too vigorous for small species, though the pleated leaves are gorgeous when they first emerge.

I have this species in my bioswale and grew it from local seed in my 
former garden. Over many years it can form the large colonies seen in 
nature, which is probably why Kathleen is cautious about it. However, I 
feel it's unlikely to increase to this extent unless given decades to do 
it, especially if you let it dry out some in summer (it goes dormant). I 
think it took my seedling plants about 8 years to flower. Over 25 years, 
the clumps reached no more than 18 inches (c. 50 cm) wide. The leaves 
are beautiful, but especially when the plants are young, they are 
heavily chewed by slugs.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

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