bulb import permits, again

Fierycloud fierycloud2002@yahoo.com.tw
Tue, 08 Mar 2016 20:02:19 PST
It seem only the species listed are controlled by the SOP,others are under developing or evaluation.
"https://aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/… and species of plants with dormant, underground portions that conformto the definition of bulb as given in 7CFR 319.37, are listed in Table 7-2 onpage 7-5. Bulbs are listed with the annotation “B.” Bulbs must be listed inTable 7-2 before they are considered for preclearance. 
Underground Portions of Dormant Perennials Underground portions of dormant perennials that are not regulated as bulbs arelisted in Table 7-2. Dormant perennials are listed with the annotation “DP.”Dormant perennials must be listed in before they are considered forpreclearance. 
Signs of New Growth (Not Dormant) If underground portions of plants show signs of new growth (are not dormant),then they are not regulated as bulbs or dormant perennials but are regulated asplants (regardless of Precleared or not). Send such plants and bulbs to a plantinspection station for regulating and inspection as plants for planting. "


    penstemon <penstemon@Q.com> 於 2016/3/9 (週三) 9:03 AM 寫道﹕

 Here is the relevant document (thanks, Russell), for importing bulbs into the US. 


“The regulations in 7 CFR 319.37-1 define “bulb” as “the portion of a plant commonly known as a bulb, bulbil, bulblet, corm, cormel, rhizome, tuber, or pip, and including fleshy roots or other underground fleshy growths, a unit of which produces an individual plant.” Bulbs, except precleared bulbs, are subject to inspection and will be treated if plant pests of quarantine significance are found. Most bulbs do not require a written permit for entry. Mail shipments may be addressed directly to the recipient. Such parcels must be plainly labeled to identify the contents. 

Bulbs, except precleared bulbs, must be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the plant protection service of the country of origin, including an additional declaration for freedom of potato cyst nematodes from specified countries. See 7 CFR319-37-5 (a) for the list of countries.”


p.s. If the bulbs are not dormant, i.e. showing new growth, they’re treated as nursery stock.  

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