ebb and flow

Mike Rummerfield mikerumm@gmail.com
Sun, 27 Nov 2016 18:49:56 PST
As hope ebbs this is one of the places I get my flow.  As of today:

Narcissus minor 'Cedric Morris' (bulbs bought from Rick Lupp many years
ago) has opened its blossoms in the unheated hoop house;
N. romieuxii 'Julia Jane'  has budded and and first bloom opened today
(this has always been a shy bloomer for me);
Nothoscordum sellowianum opened its first sunny blossom two days before
Thanksgiving, many more to come;
Oxalis glabra is unfurling its bright blossoms on occasion of the few hours
(literally) of sun we've had, and as quickly furls them up again, very
intricately, with cloud cover, also in hoop house.

Polyxena (Lachenalia) ensifolia and P. longituba are both long passed their
bloom stage, but enjoying the ensifolia foliage and watching the longituba
foliage elongate.

Galanthus reginae-olgae is in full bloom in both sun and shade.

All of the above are in pots, except the Galanthus.  They get no water
what-so -ever while dormant, although the Nothoscordum does seem to do
better with some minimal summer moisture.

We are over a month past our historical first frost date in my location in
western Washington.  I have to admit I find it worrisome.  It has, however,
allowed the Clivia to remain outdoors, under cover, for later than usual,
for more winter chill.

Peace to all,
Washington State

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