Lilium chalcedonicum

Johannes-Ulrich Urban
Sat, 02 Dec 2017 06:41:16 PST
Dear All,

Thank you very much for replying to my seed questions. 
My extra Calochortus seeds will be stored until next year at least.

For the Lilium chalcedonicum seed I appreciate the information given. I am familiar with hypogeal or delayed epigeal germination of Lilium seed but in this particular case it seems to be more complex.
I quote from the instructions given by Darm Crook on the PBS Wiki. Are you still on this forum, Darm?
Quote „Will germinate well as follows. Dry harvested seed then freeze for a couple weeks, thaw them and place in a zip lock baggie under lights at room temperatures in moist planting medium for seven days then move to temperatures of +2 to +4 °C for six to eight weeks“

It is exactly the „freeze“ bit that irritates me. Has anybody used this procedure?

Bye for today 

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