hippeastrum seeds/email woe

David Pilling david@davidpilling.com
Sun, 17 Dec 2017 04:55:03 PST

Following up on Diane's post (below).

The address of the person was zhangxi_4010@qq.com

At the moment we are having posts blocked by "bigpond" - I am working on 
this, but if you're a subscriber to that ISP, it would help if you 
attempted to persuade them PBS posts are not spam.

With any email provider it helps us if you tell them PBS posts are not spam.

For systems like gmail, you can mark all PBS posts as "never spam" or 

For example see:


Building a good reputation is important to us.

Also to that end if you want to be unsuscribed let us know and you will 
be removed speedily.

We seem to be at the point in the development of AI where computers know 
better than people what is spam.

On 17/12/2017 01:55, Diane Whitehead wrote:
> The following message was posted to the list today, but was apparently rejected by gmail, so I assume no members
> with a gmail address received it.
> Diane Whitehead
> Dear Amaryllis lovers, I am a Chinese game player, Amaryllis love for two years, and now want to collect some crazy hippeastrum vittatum. But my English is not good, can not be very convenient to communicate with you, I am sorry. I can only put the variety I want to put here, if there is, please contact me.
> The following are some of the seeds or bulbs I need:
> 1. Hippeastrum breviflorum
> 2.Hippeastrum bukasovii
> 3.Hippeastrum Calyptratum
> 4.Hippeastrum evansiae
> 5.Hippeastrum fragrantissimum
> 6.Hippeastrum leopoldii
> 7.Hippeastrum psittacinum
> 8.Hippeastrum yungacensis
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David Pilling
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