Calochortus seed

Jim McKenney
Fri, 01 Dec 2017 09:39:59 PST
Jane wrote: "Just a note on Uli's question about growing lilies from seed: the seed pots of hypogeal germinators should be "refrigerated," not "frozen" -- 
that is, keep them between about 2 and 5 degrees C during their first 
winter, when the root has formed but no leaf has yet appeared. "Freeze" 
in English means 0 degrees C or lower.
Since Uli's question was prompted by questions about the germination of Lilium chalcedonicum, it should be noted that Lilium chalcedonicum does not germinate in hypogeal fashion. It germinates, when the time finally comes, in epigeal fashion. It belongs to the small group of lilies which show delayed epigeal germination. These lilies can take several years before germinating, and I know of no way to speed up the process. 
Does anyone else know of a trick to speed up the germination of these delayed epigeal germinators? 
Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7

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