Hello Norton Sounds like you are doing the right thing. Sometimes the seed takes a while to germinate. Although not named, it probably grows similarly to Tigridia pavonia. Which usually gets sown at the end of winter, early spring so it gets the summer to grow as it goes dormant over winter. I live in a subtropical climate, don't know how it would go in Peru, but my guess it the timing would be similar of growth and flowering. They take 1-2 years from sowing to flowering. Ina On 23/02/2017 3:32 p.m., pbs-request@lists.ibiblio.org wrote: > I sowed the seeds in premix soil about a month ago, but havent seen anything happen. It is summer in Peru. Is it maybe not the right time of year to put the seeds to germinate? > > Any other advice for succesfull growth.?