Hippeastrum Acquisition Syndrome

Mike Rummerfield mikerumm@gmail.com
Tue, 10 Jan 2017 18:25:36 PST
I, also, can sympathize with those afflicted with Hippeastrum Acquisition
Syndrome.  I do not grow (many) Hippeastrum, but I do grow another
Amaryllid, namely Clivia.  Clivia growers can be subject to a related
syndrome - Clivia Fever.  I have been afflicted myself.

From my experience I extend a note of warning to PBS menmbers:  I went to
my doctor (a specialist in Cliviology)  with a fever.  He diagnosed it as
Clivia Fever and said there is no known cure for it.  It can lead to fits
of delirium;  to heightened states of grandiosity when you are convinced,
absolutely convinced, that you have just hybridized the greatest Clivia of
all time;  to sudden outbursts of uncontrollable, ecstatic dancing
(especially at 'first bloom');  to the incessant checking in on your plants
a multitude of times during the day, and in advanced cases, during the
night, ("Let's see... it's been *at least* 3 or 4 minutes since I last
checked this one... I think I see.... well, maybe not...wait... do I detect
the tiniest bit of growth?... OH, JOY!!!")  and to uncontrolled hoarding,
when, beyond all reason, you collect and grow more Clivia than you have
space, energy, or time for.  This can lead to further complications -
consult your doctor.

It is contagious and I fear there are others in the PBS, beside myself, who
suffer from (or rejoice in) this malady, knowingly or not.  Though to be
fair to all, I suspect I was blighted with Clivia Fever before I joined
PBS.  I repeat, there is no known cure.  Be forewarned!

Should you develop a case of Clivia Fever (almost inevitable) do not expect
sympathy or anything other than bewilderment and clucks from friends and
family.  You will only be understood by other Clivia enthusiasts, with whom
you can commiserate.  Take heart!
To your health!

Anonymous (for obvious reasons)

*NOTE -- A possible cure for Clivia Fever has just recently been found.
The cure is 'more Clivia'.  It is not yet quite understood how this works,
but is promising news.
In the meantime, to be on the safe side, it is recommended to get your
annual Clivia Fever vaccine - see your local Cliviologist.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 3:40 PM, Karl Church <64kkmjr@gmail.com> wrote:

> Fred, I know what you're saying as I've been there. While I have
> approximately 30 species I probably have several hundred hybrids. Good luck
> for anyone with CHAD.
> Karl Church
> Dinuba CA
> On Jan 9, 2017 3:43 PM, "Fred Biasella" <arlen.jose@verizon.net> wrote:
> Hi Chad,
> I'm afraid the only advice I can give you is...give in. There's no cure,
> why
> not take advantage and enjoy yourself? You know you're in big trouble when
> you start hybridizing so you can come up with that "perfect one" and all
> you
> have to show is a house bursting at the seams with seedlings...sigh
> Fred
> Cambridge (Boston) MA
> USDA Zone 6b
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pbs [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.ibiblio.org] On Behalf Of Chad Cox
> Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 7:38 PM
> To: pbs@lists.ibiblio.org
> Subject: [pbs] Hippeastrum Acquisition Syndrome
> How ironic that my name is Chad. And I've got CHAD bad. In fact I am a new
> member and one of the reasons I joined was to find more resources to treat
> the symptoms of my CHAD, since I am unable to find any of the ones that I
> really want. Do any of you fellow CHAD sufferers have any advice or info
> that might help me? Oh please help!
> Chad in Elverta CA
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