Winter Storage of Dormant Tender Bulbs

Judy Glattstein
Mon, 24 Jul 2017 08:15:25 PDT
I did have a friend in Connecticut with a spare refrigerator in the 
basement. In summer it was used for beer and soda, in late autumn winter 
it was used for pots of tulips, daffodils etc getting their chilling 
before forcing.

Jim McKenny, if I had a spare refrigerator I could winter-store these 
Tigridia pavonia as you suggest - it sounds like an ideal method. But 
alas, I only have one refrigerator, crammed full of food. Besides, 
between the numerous large pots of cannas, amorphophallus, sauromatum, 
Mirabilis longiflora, etc I think a walk-in cooler would be required.

Judy in New Jersey where last night's torrential rains - total of 1.7 
inches - will no doubt send the banana into overdrive

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