strange grafting

James Waddick
Fri, 17 Aug 2018 07:03:44 PDT
Dear F C and all, 

	In the video it seemed clear that bulbs were cleaned, sliced, cooked and eaten. And they were growing seedlings by the hundreds. Must be a commercial crop where ever this video was taken.	Jim

On Aug 17, 2018, at 4:10 AM, Fierycloud via pbs <> wrote:

Hello:I don't know if the species were cultivated for food, but the species is sometimes heard and told as a kind of traditional herb in Taiwan, too.(Though it is not on the Pharmacopoeia of R.O.C. now.)  And the video is about the herb cultivating skill.
There are 2 varieties listed on the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2015
Chonglou  PARIDIS RHIZOMAParis polyphylla Smith var. yunnanensis (Franch.)Hand. -Mazz.Paris polyphylla Smith var. chinensis (Franch.)
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