Seeking Clivia Species/Interspecific Pollen

Mike Rummerfield
Thu, 20 Dec 2018 21:40:45 PST
I have a *Clivia gardenii* Harburg Blush X* C. robusta* Marshmallow that
has just finished blooming and I have a very little fresh pollen which you
are welcome to.  I also have what I bought as *C. nobilis*, but I believe
is too large for a C. nobilis and suspect it to be a* gardenii* X another
pendulous species, perhaps *nobilis*.  It's a very pale orange in my
sun-starved Pacific Northwest.   It will open its blooms in another week or
so.  You are welcome to pollen from that, also.
My C. red *gardenii* X (*caulescens X mirabilis*) is a number of years away
from blooming.

If the above interests you, please let me know how to contact you.

On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 7:12 PM Joe G <>

> hey friends,
> My Clivia gardenii is about to bloom for the first time, and I was
> wondering if anyone had fresh or stored polled they'd be willing to share.
> I'm mostly interested in pollen from C. caulescens, C. gardenii, C. nobilis
> or C. robusta, but pollen of crosses between those species or between any
> of them and C. miniata would work. I'm breeding for nodding flowers and
> green tips with a little brighter color, larger flower size and/or more
> vigor than straight species.
> -joe
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