What's the deal with both of these?

Chad Schroter Chad.Schroter@wdc.com
Mon, 10 Dec 2018 14:49:29 PST
The Hippeastrum looks like 'Bogota' or 'half and half' on the easytogrow  bulbs site.  I have gotten mislabeled Hippeastrum from there (and others) before...


-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net] On Behalf Of Lyndon Penner
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 2:31 PM
To: pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Subject: [pbs] What's the deal with both of these?

Hi there, PBS friends!

I have two questions you could hopefully answer. In Spring, I bought a bulb
for *Amaryllis belladonna*. I planted it, and of course it did nothing. It
spent pretty well all summer in my cupboard with no water or love or light
and then in September I began watering it. In no time at all, it has burst
forth with a profusion of foliage and appears to be thriving in my kitchen
window. However, there is very unusual stippling- almost like variegation-
along most of the leaf margins. I have attached a photo. Does this have
anything to do with growing conditions, or is this perhaps a virus that I
should be concerned about? Any explanation or guidance would be

I also bought a 'Red Lion' amaryllis (*Hippeastrum*) in late November and
it is now blooming. It is clearly NOT 'Red Lion'. The blooms are a lovely
reddish pink with lower petals of white. It is extremely beautiful, and of
course not what I expected! Is this a mutant that I was just lucky enough
to purchase, or was the bulb mislabeled? If the latter, I would love to
know the name of this cultivar. Again, see attached photo.

Thanks for all your help, everyone!

-Lyndon Penner
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