Wish list

Michael Kent kenttoto@gmail.com
Sun, 11 Feb 2018 11:52:15 PST
     | post what's on my wish list for this year


Why don't you add Boophone disticha to your list of wanted curly leaf
African bulbs? It's more of a wavy leaf than the tightly spiraled leaves of
the ones you listed as currently in your collection, but it's a beauty.

Both Boophone disticha and Babiana rubrocyanea bulbs were offered in recent
BX offerings over the past few months. I got a bulb (or bulbs) of both, but
mine won't be large enough to be propagating/sharing anytime soon. Other
members on the list might be able to share with you.

My wish list would have the following on it (just to name a few... ):

  - Apodolirion macowanii
  - Cyrtanthus guthrieae
  - Cyrtanthus sanguineus
  - Famatina cisandina
  - Proiphys cunninghamii
  - Tocantinia stigmovittata
  - Zephyranthes flavissima

Finger Lakes/Z6a
Where we're experiencing a heat wave with temps all the way up to 30 - 40
this week.
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