Blooming mid February

M Gastil-Buhl
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 12:22:23 PST
Blooming now:

(apologies for spellings from memory not proof-read)

Dichelostemma capitatum, giant Santa Cruz variety
Moraea tripetala
Moraea polystachya
Gladiolus gracilis (past peak)
A dainty light-blue-purple Ixia
A dainty blue Scilla from Illahe Rare Bulbs, tag faded (but there's always
the underground tag for later reference)
Another UFO with tiny orchid-shaped pale-lavendar blooms (I'll post a pic
A purple Lachenalia from PBS
Ipheion uniflorum, including patches of 'Jesse', 'Wisley Blue', and others
(Yes I realize that is not the current name.)
Muscari (only a few in a patch that used to be crowded with blue blooms)
Scilla peruviana
Oxalis purpurea
other pink and salmon species Oxalis
and of course O. pes-caprae, which has only reached blooming size due to my
negligence these past 30 seconds.

The Chasmanthe aeothepica has not opened its spikes of buds, which seems
very late, normally fall blooming

Climate context:
Santa Barbara climate closest to Sunset zone 24, mild (historically wet)
winters and mild (historically dry) summers. Weather here this past year
has not followed the historic climactic pattern. These past 5 years most
irrigation has been from city pipes due to long term extreme drought. This
past summer we had rain (very unusual for here) which may explain why some
bulbs have not emerged this winter, and why my Moraea polystachya has a
bumper crop. That winter grower seems to appreciate summer rain. Some bulbs
turned brown early in the January heat wave.

My garden is an experiment in resilience.
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