aerial rhizomes/propagules from BX 431

Joe G
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 03:52:01 PST
I received aerial rhizomes of Seemannia nematanthoides 'Evita' - there was
a lot of necrosis & some mold by the time they arrived, but they quickly
formed seven tiny underground rhizomes in moist vermiculite from what was
left. After that, I haven't have much luck getting them to grow, I was
hoping they were waiting for longer days/higher temperatures. If they don't
make any moves, I'd love to try again.


On Feb 28, 2018 12:21 AM, "Dennis Kramb" <> wrote:

Last fall I donated aerial propagules (that looked like spaghetti strands)

Seemannia gymnostoma (aerial rhizomes)
Seemannia nematanthodes 'Evita' (aerial rhizomes)

I'm wondering if anyone succeeded in getting plants to grow and bloom from
them yet?

Dennis in Cincinnati (preparing a big new donation to the BX of
(underground) rhizomes of Achimenes, xAchimenantha, xGloximannia, and more)
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