Cyclamen coum Yayladagi

Jane McGary
Wed, 07 Feb 2018 10:55:37 PST
It is the collection site. "Dag" is Turkish for 'mountain', so this 
population is on Yayla Dag.

Cyclamen coum is in full flower here in Oregon at the moment. I put most 
of mine in one place when I moved to my present home, wanting some cover 
under a deciduous magnolia, with the benefit of the greedy magnolia 
roots keeping the cyclamen dry enough while dormant. With seedlings they 
should form an almost continuous cover in a few more years. In addition 
to some of unknown provenance, I have a group called 'Urfa Strain' and, 
from wild-collected seed, Cyclamen coum subsp. caucasicum. 'Urfa' is 
supposed to be especially cold-hardy, and I think caucasicum is usually 
(though not thisĀ  year) later to flower. Now they're all crossing, of 
course. It's so warm here this winter that honeybees are out already. I 
get a few white cyclamen but would like more for contrast; I marked out 
white C. hederifolium for moving here, but just dug up a patch of coum 
without knowing the colors.

Companions to this planting are ordinary Galanthus nivalis 'Simplex' and 
pale blue Puschkinia. Erythronium hendersonii is there too, and some 
hepaticas already showing a few flowers.

Jane McGary

Portland, Oregon, USA

On 2/7/2018 10:34 AM, Arnold Trachtenberg wrote:
> I think the area where it was collected.
> The color is very deep and rich.
> Arnold Trachtenberg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hansen Nursery <>
> To: 'Pacific Bulb Society' <>
> Sent: Wed, Feb 7, 2018 1:24 pm
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Cyclamen coum Yayladagi
> Arnold,
> Is this named for the area where it was collected or is it a selected form
> or? Beautiful flower!

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