Mystery bulb identification

Carol Ballard
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 21:44:43 PST
Hi I am enclosing a photo of the flowering bulb which I have just purchased,
it is called a Tartan lily creeper or climber, not the correct botanical
name obviously so I was hoping the knowledgeable people on this site can
help me identify what it is. I assume it is winter/spring growing as the
tubers which I have just received are fully dormant. The tubers (I assume
this is what they are as similar in shape to a dahlia tuber) are a definite
chocolate colour, 2 are egg shaped approximately 1.5 inches long about 1inch
or a bit more through, several are more a peanut shape about 1.5 inches long
& about ½ -3/4 inches through, the smallest ones are about 1.5 inches long
about ¼ - 1/2 inches thick rather rhizatomous in shape.

I have enclosed as well a copy of the information as supplied to me by the
gentleman I purchased them off, it was hand written so I typed it up.

The flowers are tri-coloured, red on outside, with a darker rim, yellow
inside, sort of a tubular shape, I don’t know the size of the flowers. Plant
must grow to about 3+ feet in height, is frost tender. It appears to have a
twining habit, leaves look to be 4 – 5 in number in a whirl.

Ann Ballard, Nyngan, New South Wales, Australia.

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