Eranthis cilicica

Janet Loyd
Sat, 06 Jan 2018 11:20:10 PST
I’m in Georgia, USA zone 8 can anyone give me advice on how to plant the Eranthis Cilicia or winter buttercup corms or if they will even grow here in the south.  I do have a microclimate on the eastern side of my house which supports many other marginal plants such as galanthus, trillium, asarum, epimedium, Polygonatum  & many others. I can tell from looking at the tiny dried little corms that a good overnight soaking will only benefit the planting. I can guess the planting depth but other than that I have no clue what else may be needed. I bought the lot of the lonely looking bulbs being the last on the shelf at 70% off local gardening center. So even if they should fail not much has been lost & maybe another gardening lesson learned.  Janet Fayetteville, Ga.,USA
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