Shmuel Silinsky
Tue, 17 Jul 2018 21:11:38 PDT
The ASPCA says Cyclamen is toxic to pets:…

On the other hand, I find that Brian is justified in his comment in this
herbal page:…

As little as 0.2 g of the root-stock (tubers) will cause symptoms of
poisoning, while 8 g are considered lethal dose for a healthy adult.
Animals that eat the tubers do usually have blood in their urine, but pigs
can eat them without any harm, which is reflected in one of the English
names of the plant, “sowbread”

Regarding habitat of Cyclamen persicum I find this comment from the
Cyclamen Society perfectly mirrors what I see here in Israel:  Cyclamen
persicum grows in a typically Mediterranean climate with hot dry summers
and warm wet winters, from sea level to 1200m, mainly in open situations,
in terra rossa over limestone, often in water worn pockets or crevices in
bare rock but also under scrub or in old olive groves.…

Shmuel Silinsky

Jerusalem, Israel
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