Recent issues of International Rock Gardener e-magazine

youngs via pbs
Tue, 03 Jul 2018 12:20:52 PDT
Apologies that  notices of  recent issues of IRG  to PBS  have been missing.

  All issues of the e-magazine International Rock Gardener (IRG) may be 
downloaded  from this page  of SRGC:…

IRG for April 2018: International Rock Gardener, the free e-magazine on 
SRGC.NET reaches issue #100

Thanks to all contributors and readers for your support - we couldn't do 
it without you!
This month learn about the  buckwheats  of  America from John P. Weiser 
and  get some news of The Beauty Slope, garden of ZZ

Download here :…

IRG for May 2018 #101
For IRG 101, we are pleased to introduce Peter Tallbo from Mora in 
Sweden who is redesigning his garden to make it a better place to grow and

propagate plants as well as becoming a more aesthetically pleasing 
space.  Gerrit Eijkelenboom from the Netherlands, returns with Part 2 of 
his report,

with his wife Iep, of their travels to see orchids in Sicily. Finally 
this  month, we are pleased to be able to publish a new species of

rosulate Viola from the Chilean based duo of John M. Watson and Ana R. 
Flores – /Viola farkasiana sp. nova.

Link for  May IRG : 

IRG for  June 2018   #102
The IRG Team is pleased to be able to publish a description of a new 
species of peony, named for the late, great Jim (J.C.) Archibald

by two of his many admirers, Jānis Rukšāns and Henrik Zetterlund. The 
SRGC is proud to host online the Archibald Archive to represent the work

of Jim and Jennie Archibald in bringing such a wide range of plants to 
the attention - and gardens - of so many plant lovers worldwide.

Imagine then, our delight to be given another species description by 
these two famous plantsmen, this time of a crocus to be named for two of 
our team.

That Jānis and Henrik have chosen to honour them in this way with Crocus 
youngiorum is deeply appreciated by Margaret and Ian both for

themselves and for the association with the SRGC. The third new species 
this month is an Andean Alstroemeria from Chile, described by John M.Watson,

Ana (Anita) R. Flores with Gloria Rojas.//
Link for IRG 102  of June 2018 



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