Rod and Rachel

Sun, 18 Mar 2018 09:00:25 PDT

I think I speak on behalf of quite a few of us in SA who are fellow bulb
enthusiasts and good friends with Rod and Rachel. They have been held in
great esteem by many, and have been the mainstay of our Indigenous Bulb
Society, caring and generous in many ways, so that they touched us all to a
lesser or greater extent.

The news of their disappearance is an enormous shock. And now there has been
no news for so long about their fate. Hopefully they did not suffer too
much. There are no words to express our grief and many of us are devastated.

But as some of the PBS members have said, we just have to look at our bulb
collections to be reminded of Rod and Rachel, and in that we can think of
all the positives and the many happy times we shared. For the moment though,
a huge sadness, grief and sense of loss is my overridng feeling.

Rhoda McMaster

Napier, South Africa



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