Vancouver area-bulb sites of interest? Last two weeks of April

Nicholas plummer
Mon, 12 Mar 2018 05:34:44 PDT
I would second (or third) the recommendation of VanDusen Botanical Garden.
It was very impressive last summer.  Lynn Canyon Park has beautiful trails
and is a very convenient place to see a natural ecosystem if you don't have
a car to get out of the city.  Butchart Garden was beautifully landscaped,
but the plants weren't as interesting as those in VanDusen, IMO.  However,
the ferry ride from Tsawwassen out to Victoria, winding among many islands,
is utterly gorgeous and would be worthwhile even if there weren't anything
to see at the other end.  We were lucky enough to see a pod of orcas,
although that isn't guaranteed.

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