Scoliopus bigelovii

Hansen Nursery
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 09:05:25 PST
I love my Scoliopus bigelovii!  It is always such a surpise to suddenly
discover in January that it's blooming which attracts a cloud of little
gnats.  I've never, as Mary Sue mentions, noticed any particular bad odor or
any kind, perhaps because it blooms in the darkest coldest part of the year,
when scent is less likely to be noticed.  A customer many years ago was
appalled to hear I didn't have this plant and very generously gave me one.
I've never repotted, not brave enough I guess, but I have sown seed and had
a seedling bloom in a tiny pot this winter.  It would be about three years
old.  The original plant came with a bit of old branch and nice moss
covering and I have retained those because it helps keep moisture in the
gallon pot.  It is also at the far east end of the shadehouse where it never
gets direct sunlight.  It gets watered when I water everything else and I
don't recall fertilizing it at ll.  Does anyone fertilize their Scoliopus?

The reminder that ants wander off with the seeds and bury them deep is good
and this year's crop will be sown well under and not on the surface of the

Scoliopus hallii is finally making its appearance.  Usually, it lags just a
bit behind and is blooming along with S. bigelovii.  It is not nearly as
showy and much smaller, but still treasured as it is not at all common.  I
am propagating it also from a gift given to me by my daughter who wanted
identification.  It doesn't seem any more difficult to grow and I have
seedlings coming along.  I suspect seed donations of Scoliopus should be
packed in damp peat or vermiculite to assure the best chance of germination,
just as Asarum or other seed with elaisomes should be sent.  I do know I've
had better luck with moist packing of seeds from plant exchanges.

Also, many thanks to Mary Sue for the mention of the Jepsen YouTube videos.
I will look for more.

Hansen Nursery
Southwest coast of Oregon, where it's damp, dark, wet and my heeler puppy is
driving me crazy...

More snow, more rain, at last.

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