Was Geophyte Housefire Resilience - Insuring your greenhouses

Joe G joseph.andrew.gorman@gmail.com
Sun, 06 May 2018 18:22:38 PDT
For what it's worth, our Virginia Farm Bureau Insurance agent said they
covered everything in our house, including houseplants (unlike many
insurance companies, from what I've read) - the difficulty was proving that
heat/smoke killed the plants, since the house was a total loss but a lot of
our appliances and some of our furniture was salvageable. Without "before"
pictures (and with them threatening to call the claim fraudulent), I made
the difficult call to take plants out of the claim.


On Sun, May 6, 2018, 7:12 PM Hansen Nursery <robin@hansennursery.com> wrote:

> Anyone who has a greenhouse with difficult or impossible to replace plants
> should be calling their insurance agent.  An inventory of plants would be a
> very good idea.  My insurance company will not pay to replace greenhouses,
> but I never thought about the 30+ years it has taken me to build the
> cyclamen collection, not to mention other rare bulbs...
> Robin
> Hansen Nursery
> robin@hansennursery.com
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