spring bulbs out in autumn in New Zealand

Jack and Val vkmyrick@pacbell.net
Sat, 26 May 2018 09:03:18 PDT
I’ve had that happen in my Sierra foothill  garden in N. California.  However, it is usually the same batch that does that each year, blooming about the end of Oct. which
is still a month later in the season than yours.  Bill the Bulb Baron in Calif. sells early blooming strains, too, in case these are new bulbs.

USDA Zone 8
On May 25, 2018, at 9:45 PM, Rosalind Hursthouse <r.hursthouse@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:

> Is anyone else in Auckland, NZ encountering this? My first paper white narcissi flowered on the 29th of March (!), followed by lots of others; then the straw-yellow ones started, and today the first yellow and orange one has come out. I am very worried about what will happen to them in the cold sodden ground during the winter when they will be expecting to bake in the summer heat. Any advice welcome.
> Rosalind
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