Albuca pulchra

Ann Rametta
Thu, 03 May 2018 20:05:32 PDT
I have a giant Albuca that I have divided and have so many bulbs now, I
gave a few to the box but they would only take the small bulbs. Is anyone
interested in them I've attached photos.  If you are interest please
respond to my email only I don't want anything for bulbs just reimbursement
of shipping costs.

On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 4:31 AM, David Pilling <>

> Hi,
> Translated:
> "Dear Uli,
>    Although we are not sure whether Obermeyer 1978: 363 the Ornithogalum
>    pulchrum Schinz 1890 correctly accommodated at Ornithogalum, but
>    An Albuca in the sense of Linn  is certainly not! your hopes
>    You a real "beautiful" Albuca ??
>    We have not yet seen a live plant to which the name refers
>    Ornithogalum pulchrum Schinz 1890 fits. If you suspect now
>    Seeds or onions, I would be very grateful to you, if you me
>    to send something."
> On 01/05/2018 12:28, "Dietrich Müller-Doblies" wrote:
>> Lieber Uli,
>>     wir sind zwar nicht sicher, ob Obermeyer 1978: 363 den Ornithogalum
>>     pulchrum Schinz 1890 richtig bei  Ornithogalum untergebracht hat, aber
>>     eine Albuca im Sinne von Linn� ist das mit Sicherheit nicht! Erhoffst
>>     Du Dir eine richtige "sch�ne" Albuca??
>>     Wir haben bisher noch keine lebende Pflanze gesehen, auf die der Name
>>     Ornithogalum pulchrum Schinz 1890 passt. Wenn Du jetzt verd�chtige
>>     Samen oder Zwiebeln erh�ltst, w�re ich Dir sehr dankbar, wenn Du mir
>>     etwas zukommen lassen w�rdest.
> --
> David Pilling
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