Pollenation of Hippeastrum bloom?

Robert Pries robertpries@embarqmail.com
Mon, 29 Oct 2018 07:51:50 PDT
I am interested in crossing and getting seeds from Hippeastrum. I had Hippeastrums in bloom from January , February, March and April last year mostly in the house but some were set outside in April. Even though I enjoyed lots of blooms and tried making all sorts of crosses, out of about fifty crosses only one took and that was at the very end of the season. Are modern Hippeastrums relatively sterile? Is there anything I can do to improve my results? I am especially interested in the new dwarfer hippeastrums, Cybister hipps’ , and Papilio, not so much the huge flowered ones and definitely not the double varieties, although I do acknowledge they are beautiful.

Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC
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