Romneya coulteri

Shawn Pollard via pbs
Mon, 17 Sep 2018 07:32:20 PDT
Leo and All:

For whatever it's worth, I am positive that the Boyce-Thompson Arboretum (in Superior, AZ) at one time had a thriving population of the matilija poppy.  It was impressive enough that I looked for the plants the last time I visited, which was around 2008 in the spring.  I saw none. If you know any of the botanists there, they may know what became of them (or if I am hallucinating and misremembering).

I tried growing this plant in Alpine, TX back in the late 1990s, but the winters were simply too cold.  (When you have sustained 20+ mph winds for a week at a time and dew points of -12F, you can water all you want to; the desert laughs at you.)

Shawn Pollard
Yuma, AZ
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