Help identify Scilla with lost tag

Laura & Dave
Sun, 07 Apr 2019 19:05:29 PDT
Hi Rimmer
   My bet is *Scilla bithynica*, which is flowering at the moment in a fairly 
sunny part of the garden.  (No sun today, as we're having a bit of heavy 
weather.)  The overall coloring and form are close to yours, and the anther 
color is the same. The near lack of bracts distinguishes it from S. verna, S 
vincentina (invalid name, now is Hyacinthoides mauritanica), Scilla reverchonii 
(now, Hyacinthoides reverchonii) and Scilla melaina.  These, plus Scilla 
hyacinthoides, are all blooming now.  Scilla monophyllos was blooming earlier 
(greenhouse), but it did have only one leaf.

   This is a great time to ask; just where are the keys to many of the genera 
that we're so found of growing?  The PBS is a wonderful reference, but is not 
technical.  Kew has lots of references, but all seem to be more descriptions.  
If there is a book, there is often a key, but most genera haven't been thus 
honored.  As an amateur, I don't have ready access to professional literature.

Hope this helps, and thanks,
   Dave Brastow, Tumwater, Washington (7A ish)
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