Oxygen and seed germination

michaelcmace@gmail.com michaelcmace@gmail.com
Sat, 07 Dec 2019 15:55:19 PST
Peter wrote:

> Melting snow gave better results for me

What is this snow stuff? It sounds great. Can I order some online?

(Sorry, it's a very rainy day today so I can't garden and it's making me

Mike R. wrote:

>> there have been times I've become so frustrated with a recalcitrant seed
batch not germinating, that I put the whole thing out in gentle rain
(temperature permitting) and ....Presto!  ......... germination within a
few days.  

I've seen something similar, and not just with reluctant seeds. Often I'll
get a flush of germination after a rainstorm, even if I've been watering the
seeds faithfully for weeks. The trouble  is that a rainstorm changes a lot
of variables all at once: less sun, cooler temps with less of a swing from
night to day, higher humidity, and of course the water is different. I've
never known what was the actual germination trigger.

San Jose, CA

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