Water germination . . . of Calochortus

George Goldsmith g_goldsmith@hotmail.com
Fri, 06 Dec 2019 18:24:22 PST
I was intrigued by the recent (Nov. 8, 2019) discussion of water germination by Rimmer deVries.  And while Calochortus seeds are not flat and papery, some of the C. catalinae I collected earlier this year did seem like they might float.  So, on November 26 I put two groups of ten seeds each in two glass cups.  The enclosed photos show the results 10 days later.

The group identified as Gth19-101 shows the seeds from the top and from the side.  The seeds are floating on the water, and several seeds show the development of a root.

The group identified as Gth19-127 also shows the seeds in the photos A and C.  Photo Gth19-127B is an intermediate picture, taken on December 3, a week after the seeds were put into the water.  It shows one root developing and a mass of filaments descending from the seeds.  I'm not sure what these filaments are, but three days later, in photo C, the filaments appear to be gone and additional roots have developed.   Hmmm.

I'd be interested in any comments others might have.

George Goldsmith
Diamond Bar, CA
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