South African Bulb Order

David Sheehy
Tue, 26 Nov 2019 18:36:52 PST
I just made my first order from Gordon Summerfield and received an email
that the ship date would be mid-January which means that I'm likely to
receive that shipment in February sometime. That's awfully late for South
African bulbs and seeds (i.e. Moraea, Ixia, Spiloxene) which wanted to be
planted in the September-October timeframe here in California.

So, for people who have previously ordered from Gordon (or another South
African vendor) what did you do when you received your bulbs/seeds? Did
you plant them right away even though it's going to be a short growing
season or did you store them until your regular planting season in Sept-Oct?


Dave Sheehy
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