Seed longevity under storage

Thu, 28 Nov 2019 09:28:16 PST
To add to what Paul indicates here about longevity of certain bulb seeds,
I've found that some small, hard seeds like Massonia and Lachenalia will
remain viable a long time under normal household refrigeration. Good
germination rates (30-50% or better) after 10 years are not unusual. Within
five years the rates are higher. Soft-seeded bulbs such as Ornithogalum.
Drimia, etc., tend to lose viability sooner.

In terms of the seed planting window for winter growers, in SoCal there is
a real heat risk before November and a negative day lengthening effect
after January. The months in between are an ideal sowing time for most
species. In a given year the unique climate conditions are probably more
important than exact calendar timing.

Dylan Hannon

*"Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert that
our thoughts have any relation to reality at all."* ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 12:14:34 -0000
> From: "Paul Cumbleton" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [pbs] South African Bulb Order
> Message-ID: <001301d5a51c$3b9d0070$b2d70150$>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
> I keep seed received from Gordon Summerfield until the fall. Also, I would
> not keep it in the fridge but at room temperature - many of the South
> African Bulbs require a warm period after they have been shed before they
> become fully ripe (imagine in the wild the seed is shed in late Spring or
> early Summer and then has the warm summer to go through before the autumn
> rains and cooler temperatures arrive that stimulate germination). Once kept
> warm for the summer, surplus seed not sown in the autumn can then be stored
> in a fridge; old seed of many species maintain at least some viability when
> stored - I have for example had some germination from 4 year old Massonia
> seed.
> Paul Cumbleton
> (Chairman of The South African Bulb Group, U.K. - see
> )
> -
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