Crinum flaccidum seeds

Carol Ballard via pbs
Thu, 14 Nov 2019 21:00:56 PST
Hi all, I live about 70 klm or 40 miles North of Nyngan, New South Wales,
Australia. I am currently watching about 20+ populations of Crinum flaccidum
white flowered form, which is native to this area & much of NSW, Victoria &
South Australia, we are in drought atm but have had in some areas around
some rain which has triggered growth of the Crinum flaccidum bulbs. They
will flower possibly end of this month or into December/January not sure how
long afterwards the seeds will form & take to mature. Please be aware that
we are beginning to come into the Australian summer here.

I will be harvesting a few seeds from each population (some populations can
cover 1 acre or up to several hundred acres.) Which I will label with
letters to keep each genetic line different. These populations that I am
monitoring are about 3 - 10 klm apart from each other.

Would any members be interested in some of the seeds, they are recaltricant
& germinate within about 2 -3 weeks of becoming ripe, sometimes in the seed
capsule itself. I have harvested a few seeds & have them growing in
polystyrene boxes, they are quite slow growing.

If you are interested in some seeds please contact me, my email is

Thank you, Ann Ballard

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