Scadoxus cyrtanthiflorus

Bruce Schroder
Wed, 23 Oct 2019 03:27:28 PDT
Congratulations Erica - I think this is a truly beautiful species and you
rarely see it in flower.  Please keep us informed regarding its progress as
its habit in cultivation is poorly recorded.
I flowered mine earlier this year here in Australia & unfortunately
attempts to self pollinate were unsuccessful.  Mine has 2 small offsets but
after flowering & no polination, the flower stem soon collapsed.  Since
then, the pseudo stem has also started to decline, one leaf at a time.  I
am wondering if the main rhizome that supported the pseudostem & flower
will produce a new pseudostem or whether this will now just remain as a
permanently dormant reminder of its triumphant past?
Interestingly, one of the offsets has had a new pseudostem burst through
the older one in recent weeks.

Bruce Schroder - Melbourne, Australia.
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