profligate seed-droppers

Ernie DeMarie via pbs
Thu, 31 Oct 2019 15:33:44 PDT
Profligate seed droppers for me include Oxalis obtusa when I cross flowers of different clones, Oxalis megalorrhiza on its own, Freesia laxa, Chorophytum bowkeri and saundersiae, a blue Geissorhiza, possibly G aspera, and Ennealopholus euryandrus.  Another Oxalis from the Cape also self sows as it is one of the very few that can set seeds on its own without a different clone, but I am not sure of its name.  Almost any of the summer growing Mexican oxalis like tetraphylla, nelsonii, etc will self sow with vigor into other pots as well.  Ditto O stipularis.  There are surely other self sowers but this is what I can recall at this moment.  Sometimes I welcome them, sometimes they really need rouging out to keep the original pot inhabitants happy. 
Ernie DeMarie in NY Z6/7 border where a wind is picking up as a strong front approaches to end the days of grey and drizzle with sun but threats of frost coming closer this weekend.  If we get thru this weekend, I think the frost will get us next weekend based on forecasts. Winter growers are waking up under lights while the rush to get the summer growers in for winter sleep or storage is in its terminal stages.   Outside a few bulbs still are with flowers, ie Tulbaghia violaceae, a random late glad or two, and while not bulbs, Kniphofia multiflora and bruceae.  Might be an autumn crocus or two as well. But its the non bulb Korean mums that are really rocking the gardens right now. 

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