Crinum macowanii

Michael Kent
Mon, 02 Sep 2019 11:14:43 PDT
Hi Erica,

*waves to Erica from the other side of the big lake*

Our Spring was the same as yours. Some of my Crinum and Brunsvigia remained
dormant, same as yours. In late June/early July, I was able to break the
dormancy of the Crinums, and some of the Brunsvigia by filling the pot to
the top with water (the inch or two at the top of the soil). If it drains
completely in less than five minutes, refill it (once).

Not sure why that worked, but all the Crinums I did it to sprouted within
three days. A few of the Brunsvigia did the same, others are still dormant.
This late in the year, I'd just let your C. macowanii remain dormant. It
will not be harmed by the extended dormancy (or so I've read).

My Cyrtanthus sanguineus is preparing to bloom, in maybe a week. That's
about a month behind last year's schedule.

Z6a, in the Finger Lakes area, where the last week has seen dark and gloomy
(and sometimes rainy) mornings followed by bright, sunny afternoons.
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