Vic Girard's Unpublished Notes

George Goldsmith
Sat, 21 Sep 2019 17:04:05 PDT
Throughout the issues of the Mariposa newsletter, recently made available on the PBS Wiki, are references to the "unpublished monograph" (or "unpublished text,"  "unpublished investigation," etc.) of Vic Girard on the genus Calochortus.  (I also saw a reference to the "Farwig-Girard notes.")

I'm writing to see if Mr. Girard's work is available, either on-line or physically in some library or institution.  Although the references are sometimes brief, they contain much information, reflection, and insight regarding the Calochortus spp.  Just as the Mariposa newsletter has made available much valuable information about these species, I'm guessing that Mr. Girard's work would add even more.

Thank you in advance to whoever might provide any information.

George Goldsmith
Diamond Bar, CA
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