Paul Christian rare plant website question

Dana Cromie
Mon, 16 Sep 2019 08:03:10 PDT
I am the chair of the Treasured Bulb Sale fundraiser at UBC Botanical
Garden where we wash, repackaged, and sell non-commmercial geophytes from
volunteers' gardens. For years, I have used Paul Christian's Rare Plant
website as a guide (his price in pounds divided by two in Canadian
For the past year, when I try to access his site, I get a page hosted by
"Wordfence" that says "Your access to this site has been limited"  "Your
access to this service has been temporarily limited. please try again in a
few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)" "Reason: Access from your area has
been temporarily limited for security reasons."

I have two questions:
1. Have other Canadian geophytophiles been blocked from Paul Christian's
Rare Plant website?
2. Do members on here have sites they recommend for checking out relative
prices on a comprehensive listing of bulbs, etc?

I live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Zone 8a, try to grow all
kinds of bulbs, and love reading my PBS digest and cruising the
"Photographs and Information" pages
Dana Cromie

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