Thank you PBS!

Elaine Jek
Fri, 13 Sep 2019 13:17:18 PDT
I wanted to say a thank you to Mary Sue Ittner, Albert Stella and all the systems that were set in place for this to happen....

I once had a Gloriosa lily tuber and it took many years and flowered just once with one flower. 

Recently I planted the one donated by Mary Sue Ittner, 14. Gloriosa superba from BX 458 and it grew and flowered almost instantaneously like something unfurling from a fairytale. 

The flower opened pale greenish which and I thought I received the alba version and day by day, a streak ignited and burned the petals this cadmium-vermillion red. No wonder it is the Flame Lily. 

Thank you PBS, it is beautiful and it made my day! 

Btw is Gloriosa superba different from G. rothchildiana?

Best regards,

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