
Bea Spencer via pbs
Thu, 16 Apr 2020 10:32:30 PDT
Thank you Leo. Not being a botanist this was very illuminating to me. 
Here are my 5 cents.
Having grown garlic for half a century for my own purposes ( I do not know how to cook not using onions and garlic) I have never seen  garlic “flowers” in the same sense as those of onions and their little black seeds.  It is always bulbils regardless of the variety. I grow only the hard neck garlic. Soft neck garlic is not recommended for my area, I cannot comment on  those. The scapes with very immature bulbils are edible. And are rather expensive at the local farmers market. Just chop them up like you would chop chives. Just remember that it is garlic after all.  It is recommended to cut them anyway so the plant puts all of its energy to forming cloves. Mature bulbils can be planted but in my experience it takes 2 years to get mature garlic bulb. The first year only little “ single clove” bulb is produced. Actually if you neglect removing the scapes the bulbils will drop to the ground and you will have garlic all over your garden if it is not tilled. 
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