Seed exchange for Australia & New Zealand

Greg Ruckert via pbs
Mon, 03 Aug 2020 15:00:39 PDT
The problem in Australia does not relate to the Cane Toad!! That is a 
very shortsighted and uninformed view.

The problems that our authorities are trying to keep out are the 
diseases that exist in the Americas and Europe that would devastate our 

Greg Ruckert

The Passionate Plantsman.

On 4/08/2020 1:20 am, Robert Lauf via pbs wrote:
>   Oz still hasn't gotten over the cane toad experience.  I suppose you can't blame them.  Here in TN we are still suffering from the first gift plant of kudzu.
> Bob
>      On Monday, August 3, 2020, 10:39:49 AM EDT, Lee Poulsen via pbs <> wrote:
>   Once, some years back, I participated in a shipment of plants/bulbs to Australia. A group of people in Australia had made a group order of Cryptostephanus haemanthoides from a person in Southern California. I had offered to send a few friends offsets of Paramongaia weberbaueri that I had, and they made arrangements so that I could send my bulbs to the C. haemanthoides person and that person added them to his shipment to Australia, and the Australian authorities performed the required treatment and quarantine on the whole lot, which the group had to pay for. I don’t know if the Cryptostephanuses survived the torture, but the Paramongaia did and eventually grew I’m told. So importation of bulbs into Australia can be done, but it’s expensive and sometimes the plants or bulbs don’t survive the importation ordeal they’re required to be put through.
> --Lee Poulsen
> Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
> Latitude 34°N, Altitude 1150 ft/350 m
>> As for bulbs, I didn't even try to research that because I assumed it would
>> be too difficult.
>> Mike
>> San Jose, CA
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