Cyrtanthus elatus x Cyrtanthus montanus

Mary Sue Ittner via pbs
Wed, 19 Aug 2020 09:31:11 PDT
In 1999 I received six bulbs of Cyrtanthus elatus x Cyrtanthus montanus 
and potted them up. I was advised later they needed a larger pot so 
potted them up in a 12 inch pot and they soon started flowering. I 
discovered that they produced small bulbs next to the bulb and so I 
pulled out some of them and planted them in another pot and eventually 
moved that one up in 2002. For many years I used to reach down into the 
pot and try to grab the babies and send them to the BX, but since both 
pots flowered reliably I just never got around to repotting. This year 
the original pot only had one flower and I decided it was time to tackle 
repotting it.  As I did so, I realized there was a second flower 
starting, but it was too late and it was sacrificed. I repotted six of 
the bigger bulbs, but still had 22 reasonably sized bulbs, 47 smaller 
bulbs with roots and leaves and 223 of the babies, some with roots and 
some without. I expect the second pot is just as well endowed, but since 
it took me about an hour and a half or more to deal with that one, it 
will have to wait for another year. This is a total of 300 bulbs and if 
you count the other pot and the ones I've given away I think you  could 
say this gives Oxalis some serious competition.

I hope I'll be able to find homes locally for the bigger bulbs and will 
send the small ones to the BX, but am not sure about the ones that have 
good roots and leaves. Since otherwise I'd toss them, maybe I'll try 
sending them to the BX as well. If I do that should I cut off the 
leaves? Hopefully all of these bulbs will be distributed with generous 
amounts if there aren't enough takers.

Here's the one flowering this year in the second pot in my unheated 
greenhouse where it lives year round.

Mary Sue

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