Off-topic for sure...but helpful?

Bob Hoel via pbs
Sun, 27 Dec 2020 04:54:51 PST
For those of you having troubles with something biting your tomatoes but not eating the entire thing, my experience is that it is worst in the really dry spells.  To that end, I put out a large bowl of water near the tomatoes to provide the water that they seem to be going for in the tomatoes.  It was working until the tomato-loving opossum showed up and then I had to resort to a physical barrier of chicken wire around the base of the tomatoes that reached high enough that the opossum could not get to the proverbial “low hanging" fruit.

Bob Hoel
630-240-0219 (cell)

Why drive when you can use active transportation!  🚌  🚲 👣

> On Dec 27, 2020, at 6:00 AM, wrote:
> It made my day... especially documenting the tomato thief.  I've 
> long wondered just who that was.   Certainly here in metro west Boston, 

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