Squirrel Deterrence

Jan Jeddeloh via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Fri, 25 Dec 2020 14:09:14 PST
Well, I know everyone on this list is having a proper socially distanced, quiet Christmas because we all have time to discuss squirrel depredations!  I haven’t had much trouble with them here in Portland even though I keep the door to my greenhouse open. They will dig a bit in pots outside, however.  I know we have rats around here (scared one in the compost bin) but so far they haven’t developed a taste for bulbs.  Knock on wood.

If anyone is having trouble with the bushy tailed rats cleaning out their bird feeders I can heartily recommend the Squirrel Buster hanging feeders.  I’ve had them for years and the squirrels have not managed to best them yet.

Jan Jeddeloh, Portland, Oregon

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