Was About Squirrels

Judy Glattstein via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 27 Dec 2020 08:41:16 PST
Here in New Jersey, close to the Delaware River, there are small birds, 
larger birds, an infrequent hawk looking for a meal from the visitors at 
the bird feeders. And once a peacock! by the compost heap. He had 
wandered down the road from a neighbor's house, sampling a leaf here, a 
blossom there.

Gray squirrels under or on the bird feeder. Chipmunks and voles - didn't 
know chipmunks were climbers but there you are. This year for the first 
time one went up into a Callicarpa and harvested all the bright violet 
berries before the leaves even fell. There used to be a 7:00 p.m. rabbit 
eating clover from the lawn outside the kitchen but haven't seen it for 
a year. Occasional raccoon.

But the largest herbivores are the white tail deer, sometimes peering in 
the kitchen window for coffee to go with the salad bar aka my garden. 
Solo, duo, up to as many as 8 to 12. This winter's hunter has not yet 
been successful, but I still have some venison in the freezer. Locavore, 
free range, and I certainly do know what they have been eating.

Judy in quite chilly New Jersey
eager to see the end of 2020

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