Gelasine coerulea

Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:37:43 PST
I am sending Gene’s answer again as it was rejected by the internet service providers of a lot of our members who were therefore deprived of the interesting information he provided.

I hope my message doesn’t trigger rejections.

Diane Whitehead
a PBS list manager


My experience indicates that Gelasine coerulea likes water year round and does not like frost.  Many, many years ago I germinated seed from Brazil Plants (Mauro Peixoto) when I was living in Augusta, Georgia (USA).  The seeds germinated readily and the plants grew well over the hot Georgia summer - with regular watering.  I took the pot in for the winter (night temperatures in Augusta frequently fall below freezing) and didn't water it at all.  All of the plants were dead by spring.

Eugene Zielinski
Prescott Valley, Arizona

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